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Testimonials and sample projects from recent clients



"Being a first time founder and a woman of colour, trying to raise investment can leave you feeling lost and helpless quite quickly in your start up journey. 

Whether it's getting my head around the complicated VC jargon or how to handle the 100th no, carefully curated advice in this time for me feels like the KEY 🔑 ✍🏽 indicator of my progression towards my goals.

Thankfully there are amazing advisors at hand for founders like me to ease the journey into this new territory. And ultimately close of Q4 on the best foot forward for Monari Skin . Advisors such as Christine Donnelly from Cultivo consulting 👩🏽‍💻✨ have been invaluable for Monari Skin especially as we're in the thick of it In our fundraising journey at the moment. 

Thank you so much Chrissy 💙"

Victoria Monari, Founder @ Monari Skin

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